Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rest for a time

It just share.. Menjelang my baby's birthing, saya tidak pernah kepikiran kalau order untuk wedding souvenir meningkat. I just remember, gosh, ini lagi bulan-bulannya pasangan menikah. Pesanan melalui e-mail dan sms, berdatangan. I know its rezeki dari Alloh SWT dalam niatan saya for work stay at home mom. Usaha souvenir yang saya rintis ini sebenarnya Ide "asal" sebagai bisnis "coba-coba", karena sewaktu menikah banyak yang nanya souvenir me and my husband, padahal souvenirnya penggaruk dari kayu, hehe. Mungkin cukup unique, sehingga banyak yang senang dan laris dipilih.

Finally, pengen juga ah bisnis souvenir, dan nunggu pesanan tanpa pernah diharap2. Di suatu pagi 2 email masuk nanya macam-macam tentang souvenir, akhirnya jadi email-holic, bolak -balik buka imel dan bales via imel, ternyata enak juga daripada sms;p. Semenjak itu, setiap pagi selalu cek email, hehe.

Yup, next, orderan minta seribu, tapi minta bikin contoh dulu, okeh, jadilah seratus. Pesanan berikutnya masih nunggu. Sekarang lagi nanganin 500 cermin batik kayu, dilanjutkan negosiasi sambil nunggu desain dompet batik untuk pesanan 500 dan 650. Belum lagi email-email yang belum pasti order, masih nanya-nanya. Actually, i have to ignore that emails. But I can't. And in average, pencari souvenirnya wanita. Emang gitu kali ya, wanita selalu jadi "korban" untuk souvenir when the couple get married.xixixi

Its time to rest!!

Prediksi dokter tgl 19 november, but till now, i'm still handle orderan souvenir, gosh. Dalam bisnis ini mau tidak mau saya take assistant for help me. Temen perempuan di jogjakarta yang saya minta handle, ntar keuntungan di bagi 2, aku juga tidak mengambil banyak keuntungan karena kerjanya kan cuma lobi-lobi, yang dilapangan yang "sengsara". Termasuk suami saya yang rela mengorbankan diri untuk mengurus souvenir. Dan menjadi "cerewet" karena khawatir tidak profesional.

Karena khawatir saya terlalu sibuk dengan souvenir, maka dinyanyikanlah Sholawat Nabi Emha Ainun Nadjib, and beliau tetap mensupport untuk saya bisnis2 walau modalnya selalu "minjem" suami:p, Tapi sekarang kami sedang menunggu kelahiran my baby, happy time, semoga ketika melahirkan bisa tenang, sms pesanan souvenir juga bisa di pending, dan anak saya sehat wal-'afiat. Kami masih menunggu dan berharap dalam balutan "Salamunqoulam Mirrobirrohim". Dalam bahasa spanyolnya Espero que todos bien yang artinya berharap semuanya baik-baik saja. Amiin.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Style of Young Leadership

Obama's victory is a victory of the young leadership (under 50 years of age). I write this simple article, it doesn't because Obama as a winner of America's president , but this is a historic event which I wish to analyze and give opinions. hehehe (this is the style of housewives now ;p)

Obama win, it is normal to him because he (Obama) plans to win. With the booming out the theme of "changes" when he promote himself and campaign, actually Obama start with a different style of leadership, both in their approach to community or the methods used. A new style of this young leadership would be inspiring for the other country to start with the young leadership which progressive and unpretentious. Moreover, it's stated from the power country, America. America itself is currently holding control of the media and the economy. So the trend that made of America automatically the other countries follow them . Isn't it?

Here are some analysis of the victory of Barack Obama Hussain:

First, the media. Obama maximize all media, from newspapers, TV, radio, and especially the Internet. Web maximum and naive, unsophisticated why? because there is also donate by selling products with the leaders Obama. So not only money, but how to "buy" products.

Second, the entertainment. Obama is supported by the musicians who created songs with the theme of "change" and "yes we can". So typical of this song resound everywhere. Simple songs with the strain designed specifically and hypnotize for anyone who hear.

Third, Password. Obama using the good password "changes", at this time America citizens need motivation for growth up the confidence which unstable. And "Yes we can" for all the chaos of culture of America.

Fourth, social networking. It is very well done by Obama, from preparing and launching the books on himself, vision and mission before the campaign, and then socialize himself in the various communities in the internet. Start from facebook, youtube, etc. (except friendster, coz it just for teens level:P)

Fifth, his wife. Obama's wife is an excellent women because know the logic of America's women, namely modis, smart, rich and activ. Michelle Obama also magnate with her speech (her speech during obama's campaign is awarded as the most influential speech throughout 2008 and also appreciation of the inspiration in her dress during the campaign).

Sixth, Obama low profile. He unlike many officials that over Protection. Obama appear as a young and properly use the informal style of communication.

Well, irrespective of all that, most importantly, the new style of young leadership is starting. the trend of young people leading, the opportunity is open. And our duty is how the youth manage themselves to be more productive and their leadership recognized from around.

Make money from home

How to make money from or at home? Is it does not difficult to do business from home? Then, is it easy to get relations? How to get started? And many other questions that will arise when a woman or career woman asked to stop working and started working from home.

I have a similar experience for most women in this earth. Initially working outside the home is a necessity. After school or college then how to apply for jobs with adequate salaries and of course have good status in the community. Its better get recognized status, rather than unemployment. If there are women who try to do business, the result is not fast and added there is a temptation from the environment to immediately see the results, many and obvious.

I had worked in one of private radio and labor contracts in one of the airline’s company. And then I decide married, although my husband didn’t prohibit me to work after the marriage, but I decide to stop working. I had taken business from home, studying the Internet and the web from my husband, who had taken up business in the Internet, so he had extraordinary earnings results. I help my husband to manage his web and marketing it. I’m enjoyed it and many knowledge acquired.

I’m grateful to God because me and my family live in adequate, but as a women who live in many activities before married, I still want to sharpen my instinctive of creativity to be a successful mother. I think work at home is a kind of jobs which not under pressure, relax and not tired. I just use my notebook, ideas and internet.

And how about my new job to get earnings from internet and work at home? First, I have a souvenir’s store that profitable and get visitor. I have been dealing with some order, although the benefits have not been visible. But I dare dream (again) at all. However, now I must be get rest to prepare my son birth, so I decide to delay my business of wedding souvenir. So I ignore my clients who ask about my souvenir products for while. I know that it is not professional at all, hehe. But for me, the important is I’m ready to face my first birthing. The second is that I have received money from the internet that exceeds the salary of bank employees. Grateful to God. Its means, start your own business is difficult, but we may be able to enjoy the fast results.

That is my experience. I’m sure that many women who may also decide t
o work from home. Some of them in fact have a good job and salary established. If I work at home, I can take care of my husband and children. Here are some benefit working at home:

First, more calmly. We have more time to think of business, household and kids. We cleaning away of house also did not hurry. Emotional can also be arranged because of matters outside the home is not involved, especially the children who need attention.

Second, take care husband and kids more. We can still make snack, give best service with a smile (not sullen because of tired)

Third, still dreaming, learning and creativity; dream to build a community, a dream to become a writer, dreamed to become something, etc. And then we’ve more time to read and create. Prepare something that can be useful in other people.

Fourth, focus on our business, even for beginning only get a small incomes, Insya Alloh for ahead, if as a mother households we can be patient, learn, and add friends, we will get the opportunity to success in business.

There are many ways to the business at home, and thousand of women had practice it. Start from the cake business, the paper Creativity, handcraft, etc. And remember, if need capital or money to start business, Bank or institution of micro-economic have programs loaning money regularly. So, lets started and try from now, from a little, make money from home. (SW)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sago Palm in Papua

Do you know about Sago? Sago that I will explain is sago papua. Previously, I will introduce whether and where papua? Papua is a region in the East of Indonesian.

Jayapura has long been in contact with the outside world. This is shown by the people outside who never stop in the land of Papua. Spanish people ever cross the ocean and in contact with Indonesian people in general and people of Irian in particular. History Arung Samudera has been a good record in Spain have called YNICO ORTIS DE Fretes. With the ship named "SAN JUAN" on 16 May 1545 departure from Tidore to Mexico. In the travel Ortis de Fretes arrived around the estuary of the river Mamberamo on 16 June 1545 to provide the name NOVA GUINEA to the people and land of Papua or Irian Jaya.

Papua, sometimes referred to as West Papua because of Papua may be referred to the whole island of New Guinea or the south of the city of “Jiran”, Papua New Guinea. West Papua is a more favored by the nationalist who want to separate Papua from Indonesia and form their own country. Regional (Province) is first recognized by the call of West Irian since 1969 until 1973, then exchanged into the name of Irian Jaya by Suharto, the name still used officially until 2002. Name of the region (province) is changed to Papua in accordance with Law No 21/2001 Special Autonomous Papua. In the era of colonizers, this region is called New Guinea Netherlands (Dutch New Guinea).

Papua is a region (province), which is located in the eastern region of the Republic of Indonesia and the region is full of hope. The place has not been much activity by being human and Papua is rich with natural resources that promises opportunities for trade and developing. The ground was filled by a vast forest, the sea and various sea resources and millions of land suitable for agriculture. In the earth also save the original gas, oil and various minerals that are only waiting for being.

One of the potential in Papua is Sago Palm. Sago known as the principal part of the original tribes in Jayapura, in the event important Papeda (from flour porridge sago, red) is one of the special menu that is served. Some restaurants sometimes prepare Papeda Menu. In addition to the food industry and cake in the scale of Home Industry (Home Industry) in Jayapura as sago use raw materials in the business.

velopment prospects Sago starch is a staple food of the natives of Papua and Maluku, especially those living in lowland areas. In the future, sago flour will be used for industrial purposes, among other materials as the making of bread, noodles, cakes, syrup berfruktosa high, adhesive materials, and plastic easily unravel naturally (biodegradable). Sago starch is also used in the drug industry, cosmetics, paper, ethanol, and textiles. Meanwhile, the waste processing sago can be used as cattle feed.

Beside Sag
o, Papua or Irian Jaya is a beautiful place to have traveling there. It's so nature and have amazing scenery. You may want to invest in the development of the sago?

(Sago Palm in Papua from various sources)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Simplicity of Tea's Philosophy

I‘d never forget about tradition in our family to drink a cup of tea in the afternoon. And now, I realize in my small family, even only for me and my husband, even not often. I do like tea, tea cause of ceremonies or just a simple act to welcome night. My Grandmother was notice to her daughters, “even if you tired, gave a little energy to prepare your husband a cup of tea”, I think that’s a simple philosophy. Man like tea too, he feel many attention for his soul. Perhaps when they return home after make money or when they are weary of think.

The philosophy of Tea is not mere aestheticism in the ordinary acceptance of the term, for it expresses conjointly with ethics and religion our whole point of view about man and nature. Its hygiene, for it enforces cleanliness. It is economics for it shows comfort in simplicity rather than in the complex and costly. It is moral geometry, inasmuch as it defines our sense of proportion to the universe. It represents the true spirit of eastern democracy by making all its votaries aristocrats in taste.

Kakuzo Okakura written the book of tea, the most perceptive of Asian Tradition. Aha, I don’t know about it, haha. I think it does not important, but ceremony of tea holds an aura. Okakura sought to convey the spirit of chanoyu / drink a tea as a crystallization of the cultural life of the East. Just as Japan served as a repository of the historical traditions of he Asian mainland, so chanoyu might be seen as the living synthesis of traditional arts. Lets try to give our family as a sign of simple enjoy and relax.

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